Date: 19-20 September 2013
Venue: Vertretung der Freien Hansestadt Hamburg, Berlin
Workshop Organiser: IEP Berlin
Although the Lisbon Treaty had been envisaged to settle the question of substantial reforms in the European Union, only four years later the EU is challenged to tackle the inefficiencies and deficits within its governance structures that have been exposed by the crises of the Eurozone. The Fiscal Compact, the Euro-Plus-Pact and enhanced cooperation with regard to the financial transaction tax give evidence of differentiated integration as prominent instrument for managing this challenge.
Additionally, the new debate on the repatriation of competences fostered by the UK’s Prime Minister’s speech in January 2013 and the increasing South-North divide in terms of economic performance and political interests in Europe highlight the need to consider the future perspectives of the European integration process.
The aim of the academic conference wasto debate a roadmap for the EU's future in terms of analyzing the possible ways out of the current crisis and discussing the different prospects for the future composition and structures of the European Union. The following questions formed the starting point of the discussion:
The full programme and a report are available for download on the right.
Dr. Funda Tekin, Institut für Europäische Politik (+49 (0)30 88 9134 81)