
Dedicated workshops observe the effects of the Lisbon Treaty on day-to-day policy-making and assess test cases to deepen our understanding of the integration process and to refine and adapat integration related theories.


Will the changes in the Eurozone demand new institutions for the EU?

Will the changes in the Eurozone demand new institutions for the EU?

24 September 2013, London

"Will the changes in the Eurozone demand new institutions for the EU?" (Brendan Donnelly, Federal Trust London)

ill the changes in the Eurozone demand new institutions for the EU?


16-17 September, Turin

"Towards the Political Union? The integration of the Fiscal Compact and the ESM into the Lisbon Treaty" (Gianni Bonvicini, IAI Rome)


19-20 September, Berlin

"A roadmap for the Future of Europe: Differentiated integraton within or beyond the legal framework of the Lisbon Treaty" (Funda Tekin, IEP Berlin)


9 July 2013, Sheffield

Workshop on theorising the integration and governance after the Lisbon Treaty (University of Sheffield)


22 March 2013, Rome

"The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in the Treaty of Lisbon" (Michele Comelli, IAI Rome)


14-15 November 2012, Bologna

"The Lisbon Treaty: A quasi-constitutional framework to be revised" (Bologna University)


18-19 October, Berlin                                                                              

"The EU as a Foreign Policy Actor - Ambitions, Interests and Challenges in Year Three of the Lisbon Treaty and beyond" (Institut für Europäische Politik)


5 October 2012, Dubrovnik 

"Impact of the European External Action Service on the EU’s relations and policies towards South East Europe" (Institute for International Relations Zagreb)


28-29 September 2012, Budapest       

"The European Union in the Global Economy" (Institute for World Economics, Budapest)


14-15 June 2012, Nicosia

"The Cypriot EU Presidency 2012: Institutional consolidation and responding to new challenges" (TEPSA)


29-30 May 2012, Ankara

"Enlargement Perspectives after the Lisbon Treaty" (Atila Eralp, METU Ankara)


22-24 March 2012, Duisburg-Essen

"European Integration in a Globalizing World" (Claudia Hiepel and Wilfried Loth, University of Duisburg-Essen)


1 March 2012, London

"European Citizenship" (Brendan Donnelly, Federal Trust London)


29 February 2012, Brussels

"Policy Implementation after Lisbon: New Challenges for Administrative Cooperation between Member States and New Roles for EU Agencies" (Edward Best and Michael Kaeding, EIPA Maastricht)


21-22 February 2012, The Hague

Practices of EU external representation in international contexts" (Clingendael Institute)


9-10 December 2011, Vienna

"The European Union - A Major Internation Player? The Common Security and Defence Policy under the Lisbon Treaty" (Markus Kornprobst / Hans Peter Neuhold, Diplomatische Akademie Wien)


20-21 October 2011, The Hague

"Governance changes in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice after the Lisbon Treaty: Internalization within the EU and the member states and externalization in foreign policy" (Ron Holzhacker/Paul Luif, University Twente/Austrian Institute for International Affairs Vienna)


6 July 2011, London

"Parliaments and the European Union - European Representative Democracy after the Lisbon Treaty" (Brendan Donelly, Federal Trust London)

Andras Inotai, Institute for World Economics Budapest)

Andras Inotai, Institute for World Economics Budapest

Andras Inotai, Institute for World Economics Budapest

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changed:  4. October 2013
created:  1. December 2010